Jack's Chapter

We’ve had such an incredible week and one that we're still in shock by. 

After leaving New York we spent a few nights visiting friends in Boston- Jason and Laura. We went on a run through Harvard, walked through iconic Beacon Hill and Boston Commons, and hiked through Fells Park. Boston is a beautiful city and I’m glad we got to catch up with our friends while we were there. 

Boston Commons selfie.

Boston Commons

Beacon Hill

Beacon Hill... moving in, bye.

After leaving Boston we didn’t really have a plan. We knew we were going to spend about 2-3 days exploring coastal Maine, maybe go to Acadia National Park or get some Lobster, but that was the extent of our plans. We found a spot on our favorite app for finding places to park for the night in the Pemaquid Public Beach Area. It was a small parking area for about 4-5 cars and is right on the water tucked in this very quaint village in Bristol, Maine. When we pulled up, we were in awe and extremely excited about watching the sunset and waking up on the beach. 

Van-side beach for the night.

Not a bad spot for the night.

As we were making dinner, a young girl called out to us. "Are you guys living in your van?" We confirmed and she got so excited and proceeded to come talk with us. Her name is Katie and she eventually invited us to come by her friend’s yurt to sit by a fire. So we went. We spent the night getting to know her and her friends. They gave us a ton of tips for places to check out in the area and where to eat. They were all 19-23 years old, either in college or had just graduated and all extremely curious about the world. They were sailors and rock climbers and cooks and artists- WAY more interesting than I was at their age. It was so fun talking to these genuinely kind kids that didn't have a single bit of cynicism in them. They are just eager to build lives for themselves that will bring them happiness, and I think having the chance to talk with a couple in their 30’s who was taking the time to do something that was out of the norm was just as exciting for them. They asked advice and we shared stories of our travels and adventures. All around it was a really great night. 

Tacos for dinner, just after meeting Katie.

Dinner and a view.

The next morning we were asked to move along by a less-welcoming neighbor. He just didn’t want us taking up a space on a public beach on such a busy day- 4th of July. It was quite the contrast from the night before... so we left to go check out a quarry that one of Katie's friends, Sam, told us about where Miles swam and we showered before heading up to Acadia National Park. It was such a beautiful drive up the coast and throughout Acadia. The coastal islands were beautiful and remind us of the Pacific North West but just a different shade of green. 

A little hard to see- hazy day. Acadia National Park.

On our way there we had messaged Katie letting her know it was great to meet her and her crew and she emphatically invited us over to her parent’s for a BBQ. We were hesitant at first just because we were gonna be the weirdos living out of a van coming to crash a family dinner. But we reminded each other that one of the biggest things we were looking forward to on this trip was meeting new people. And now was the time we needed to be open to that- whatever it may mean. When we showed up we were welcomed with open arms and spent the whole night chatting with Katie’s family and friends. We were so incredibly overjoyed with the genuine kindness of this group of people. They insisted we park on their property, use their shower, bathroom, etc. And we gladly accepted. 

Mike playing the guitar at the family BBQ.

The spread... yum!

The next morning we woke up and spent some time talking with Joan and Jack, Katie’s parents. They asked what was on our agenda today and I mentioned we might go check out Cupboard Cafe because we heard they had good sticky buns. Within 10 mins Jack was back with a ton of pastries and cinnamon rolls from Cupboard Cafe. That’s the kind of people they are. We spent hours with them and talked well into the afternoon sharing stories.  They are both so interesting and kind; it’s not hard to see why Katie is the way she is. Katie spent some time couch surfing in Iceland and Europe the last few years and has participated in work stays. She has been taken in by strangers all over the world who have been so kind to her. Joan said it best when she said that if she can reciprocate to other travelers she feels like she is giving back to the same community that has given so much to Katie. They were insistent that we stayed with them another night if we’d like, so we said we would and would be back in the evening. 

We went and got some fresh caught Maine lobster at Shaw’s where one of Katie’s friends, also named Zach, worked. We walked around Round Pond and visited their penny candy store, Granite Hall. We couldn’t wait to get back to the McKinnon’s. We spent one last night visiting and sharing stories- they fed us again(!). Jack was emphatic that we write a book when we are done with our trip and requested his own chapter- so here it is, Jack. Just the start for you. 

Lobstah, fries, and fried clams.

View from the deck.

View from the McKinnon's cabin.

In the morning we showered, got ready to go, and said our goodbyes. Jack even stocked is up with plenty of drinking water for the road and was insistent that we be safe and call if we ever needed anything. We left with smiles on our faces and tears in our eyes that lasted for the rest of the day. I am still in disbelief as I write this. People are generally good, that I’ve been told and have witnessed. But these people were special. Their generosity, kindness, genuity, openness, and welcoming nature is not something you come across every day.  To have them take us in while we were exploring a new place is more than we could have ever dreamed of and we feel so lucky to have met all of the wonderful people we did while we were in Maine. This few days has been my absolute favorite part of our trip so far. 

Annie, Maggie, Sam, Katie, Zach, Jordyn, Zach, & Jack... the best. Oh! and Fran of course.


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