Goodbye, SF.

We have officially quit our 9-5 tech jobs, sold all of our belongings, moved out of our 280 sqft. apartment, and said "see you later" San Francisco. This was a hard chapter to close.  Like crying as we crossed the Bay Bridge and away from the place we've called home for the last 6-7 years hard.  Both of us have moved from state to state before and have felt the mixed emotions that come with a big change like that.  The sadness of leaving something familiar mixed with the fear of the unknown of what is ahead. But this time it was different. This time there was something more. There are few times in life when you can really reflect on an entire chunk of time with the perspective of appreciation.  Appreciation of nestling ourselves into careers we can be proud of (and will return to one day :)). Appreciation of building and belonging to a community we're so fond of.  Appreciation of finding each other and how much better our lives are because of it. And appreciation of that tiny studio apartment that afforded us the ability to save cash and make this trip possible. This move feels different. Still sad, still scary, but full of gratitude for everything that has led us here.

Last night in SF in our favorite place: Golden Gate Park

So what now?

We have the van! Our 2018 Ford Transit is currently waiting for us in Fairhope, AL & is completely gutted and ready to be customized into a camper.  We are taking 10 days to drive from SF to Alabama where we will be living and building out the van for about 4-6 weeks! We are currently in Denver, CO to spend some time with family and friends before we continue our drive South.

Here are some beautiful things we've seen along the way:

Campsite, Night 1: Sequoia National Forest, CA, USA

Campsite, Night 2: Kolob Canyon, UT, USA

Zion National Park, UT, USA

Zion National Park, UT, USA
Campsite, Night 3: Valley of the Gods, UT, USA

Campsite, Night 3: Valley of the Gods, UT, USA

Night 4: Ouray, CO, USA

Hot Springs, Night 4: Ouray, CO, USA, (also first shower in 4 days :))


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